Crack the GovCode Course makes winning & making money with government contracts simplified with our OBART™ Formula
Grow your small business leave your 9-5 and unlock your money with the potential of making 6-Figures & BEYOND…POW!!! with learning how to win government contracts
SOUNDS NICE. But currently…
You're beyond swamped and not sure where to start...
Have your Cage Code but no government contracts…
You're wondering if you should get started now…
Or find another excuse to put it off…

Victoria CEO/Founder of
Crack the GovCode Academy
Crack the Govcode Course
It has helped more than 10,000+ people simplify the process and get started with learning how to crack the code into the Trillion-Dollar Government Contract and create recurring income NOW!!!

With Crack the GovCode Course, Consistently winning government contracts can become As Easy As 1, 2, 3
Sign Up
Make up your mind and take the step to sign up for our free masterclass that gives you more than most PAID ones.
A single solution to a single problem. (No more, no less.)
Learn The How
Crack the GovCode With this one course under your belt, you’ll never wonder how to make money in your business again.
Win Government Contracts
And then win another one and rinse and repeat this process again and again.
By The End Of This Course You Will Have:

Nailed Down all the requirements
These are the basic requirement to get started.
Middleman Method, No Bidding Contracts Simplified Acquisition & Micropurchase Contracts
Even if you’re still working a 9-5 and want to make serious money, this method allows you to leverage others experience and labor to complete projects as the prime contract. Our students have won over $200 Million in government contracts & some with no past performance.
Proposal Writing
Step-by-step Proposal Writing, understanding how to win a GSA contracts schedule, Request for Quote on and how to locate a bid on a bidding platform.
Learn everything needed to win a Disaster Relief Federal or State Contract & Your Secret Sauce
Create an irresistible offer that authentically attracts contracting officers like bees to honey & really sets your company apart.

Great Understanding of the Government Language
To make absolutely sure you're what the contracting officer wants (they are the only one that can bind the government contracts!)
Certifications 8(a), HubZone, WOSB, SDVOSB
We will walk through step-by-step on how to become certified as a WOSB and give you the information for all of the others too.
Sell products to the Government
With this method you will learn how to find, price and ship products to the government and make BIG Money without being the manufacture. Learn GSA Schedules
Develop Strategies
Wrap up on setting up strategies to win government contracts, networking, teaming, and joint ventures. Exactly what your next steps should be to win a contract with 2 weeks to 90 days of completing this course.

Crack the GovCode Course
Is Perfect For You If You Are:

A 9-5
(with the heart of an entrepreneur) who's ready to leave your 9-5, bypassing the “time for money hustle” completely

A Business Owner That Wants To Add Government Contracts To Your Business
who's hit a very real ceiling and a reliable government long-term contract is your ticket to helping more people, creating time freedom, and diversifying your income streams with 6-Figures & BEYOND. POW

New Business And New To Government Contracts
with BIG goals (but not a lot of knowledge) you're raising your hand for this Trillion Dollar Piece of the Pie

How does Crack the GovCode Course Compare to Others?
There's a lot of noise out there on government contracting. It's not that you can't find any information, it's that there is TOO much information. But will you how the REAL knowledge to WIN a 6-figure government contract once you are DONE??? With this ONE course you WILL.
So don’t settle for anything less than the best!
15+ years of winning government contracts and have won over $212M
Lifetime access to ALL future updates of core program
Step-by-step, roadmap style teaching
Live Weekly Training via Zoom Weekly Conference Calls
FULL money-back guarantee
Resource Crack the GovCode Course Vault
Small Groups
Student Success Support Team
1:1 With Consulting
FB Group
Let us introduce you to one of our Crack the GovCode Class #105 Winners. VIP Winner Mr. James Murray. Founder of Basic Essentials Contracting, LLC.
Thank you! I signed up for Mrs. M's free masterclass and was expecting it to be just like a lot of other government classes. BUT to MY surprise I learned more in her FREE class than I had learned in a few of the paid classes that I had spend thousands on. I immediately signed up for the actual Crack the GovCode Course and she over delivered. I won her VIP contest and won an all expense trip to visit with her in person. She not only teaches well but she really cares about us too.

Student Success Stories
Begin doing something that gives you more freedom than you ever imagined with more money too. Love Both...

(Yes, selling a great service or product to the government)
Crack the GovCode Course helps you create a roadmap you can believe in so strongly that navigating winning government contracts becomes easier.

Work That Truly Matters
Wake up every morning eager and able to serve your government customers and end the day feeling satisfied, energized, and inspired.

Financial Peace Of Mind
Create more than enough financial security to say no to having to work two jobs, 9-5, or a side hustle that steals your time, energy or joy.
Still Have Questions?
Why make big decisions alone? Schedule a Discovery Call to speak with Team MENIFEE!
Are you right for Crack the GovCode Course? Heck, is Crack the GovCode Course right for you? Our team is here to help answer your questions! (MUST ATTEND FREE MASTERCLASS TO BOOK 15-MINUTE DISCOVER CALL)
Meet Our Team


Victoria is a Women Owned Small Business and Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business. She has been working in the government space since 2008 & awarded over $20.5 Million Dollars in government contracts including contracts with-GSA, Capitol Hill, Germany Embassy, DOT just to name a few. She has won contracts for her clients that has resulted in well over $200+ Million in various NAICS Codes, but her main love and focus is on government Contracts for Small Business entrepreneurs. Her goal is to scale over 1,000 businesses to 6-Figures &; Beyond by 2024 utilizing government contract.

Jessa A.
Jessa is the Lead for our Success Support Team. She enjoys working with students to give them the best personalized experiences in all of our courses and workshops.
Jessa has been with us for 2 years and has a background in staffing and school administrative support.

Gwendolyn is one our of Success Support Team that enjoys working with our students and clients. With expertise and dedication she ensures that students stay informed by answering their questions and keeping then on track and engaged with her happiness and love for what she does.
What sets Crack the GovCode Course apart from other government courses??? RESULTS!!!
We teach you how to have a serious, viable business that can scale to 6-figures & BEYOND. POW!! Our Crack the GovCode Course results speaks for itself. Our students have won a combined total in government contracts of $200 Million-Dollars and counting. WHY??? Because I have been in the government space since 2008, reside in Washington DC area, so I work with and talk with government buyers daily. I get to learn directly from them what they are really looking for with small business federal contracting companies. I then implement directly in my Crack the GovCode Course what will win actual government contracts. Here is how much fun we have learning and teaming together with Students at Our CGCC VIP Events which includes government buyers and in-person free training to help you learn even more.
Earnings Disclaimer & Copyright Information:
Materials used in connection with this course may be subject to copyright protection. Materials may include, but are not limited to: documents, slides, images, audio, and video. Materials in this course Web site are only for the use of students enrolled in this course, for purposes associated with this course, and may not be retained for longer than the class term. Unauthorized retention, duplication, distribution, or modification of copyrighted materials is strictly prohibited by law.
Earnings Disclaimer: You acknowledge that we have not and do not make any representations as to the sales volume or potential profitability or loss of any kind that may be derived as a result of your participation in this Service. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial or otherwise, through the use of our course and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse, or nonuse of the information provided or obtained through any of our course. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results.